Sun streaming behind First Adjustment Statue of D.D. Palmer.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Message from the Chancellor and CEO

Dear Colleagues and Friends:

It is my honor to serve as chancellor and CEO of ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½. Over its 125-year history, the Palmer community has grown from our founder to an organization of thousands of students, more than 500 employees, tens of thousands of alumni and friends, and millions of patients. Our college mission is connected to, advanced by, and dependent on the engagement and creative ideas of the entire Palmer community.

Our future is dependent on providing an engaging, safe, secure, open and inclusive environment for our students, patients, employees, alumni and friends of the College. We strive to connect with one another in meaningful ways and be a positive influence.

As learners, teachers, clinicians and staff who serve to advance our Palmer mission, we realize the importance of integrating principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion into our organizational culture. An intentional focus on diversity at all levels will ultimately provide our students with a richer, more transformational educational experience. Most importantly, it will prepare them to succeed in the service to others in their role as health-care providers in a diverse, globally connected world.

As part of the College’s on-going commitment, the Board of Trustees and administration are updating and expanding of the College’s strategic planning to deepen diversity, equity and inclusion efforts at Palmer College. My office is leading this important planning initiative with strong collaboration from all areas of the College, especially Student Services, Academic Affairs, and Human Resources. Ultimately, the realization of our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion rests with all of us as.

We thank all those who have contributed and will contribute their ideas and energies to this plan.

Dennis Marchiori, D.C., Ph.D.

Chancellor and CEO

Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion

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