Contact Compliance
Compliance Contacts

Earlye Adams Julien, PHR, MS.Ed
- Complaint Resolution Administration
- Institutional Policies
- Compliance Program for prevention, detection, response, and evaluation.

Lori Larsen, BA
- Complaint Resolution Processes for student conduct, sexual misconduct, equal opportunity.
- Sexual Misconduct Response Team Training
- Annual Survey
- Affirmative Action Analyses

Ann Kelly
- Policy Library
- New Student Compliance Training
- College Record Retention Schedule
- Compliance Department Support
Welcome to the Office of Compliance
The Office of Institutional Compliance monitors the College’s operations and activities in compliance with requisite law, regulation, Board and College policy and other binding orders, rules or agreements. In so doing, the Office:
- Promotes and supports a work and school environment which reflects the College’s commitment to maintain the highest level of integrity and ethical standards in conducting its operations
- Fosters compliance and ethics consciousness into the College’s daily activities
- Assists in the development and communication of compliance and ethics-related policies and procedures
- Administers the delivery of compliance and ethics-related training
- Administers a reporting process for reports of non-compliance and oversees and coordinates investigations of potential misconduct
- Provides compliance advisory services to the College community
- Evaluates compliance program effectiveness and recommends modifications to the program as needed
- Reports overview of compliance and ethics program activities to the Audit and Compliance Committee of the Board of Trustees
As members of the Palmer community, we have a shared responsibility to support the College’s mission and reputation by holding ourselves and others to the highest standards of lawful and ethical conduct in our business activities.
Quick Links:
- What is a Compliance Program?
- Institutional Policies
- Report a Complaint
- Sexual Misconduct Prevention and Response
- Notice of Nondiscrimination
- Student Code of Ethics
- Disability Accommodation Requests for Public/Visitors
- Conflict of Interest or Commitment
- Early Alert Response System (EARS) Referral