Brick wall with four busts behind pink flowers.

Report a Complaint


Unless otherwise specified in a College policy, handbook or applicable law, a Complaint is any report of actual or suspected breaches or violation of laws, institutional policies, or College handbooks, ethical misconduct, conflicts and/or disputes. For reporting purposes, suggestions, recommendations, requests for assistance, feedback, and notices of dissatisfaction are not considered “Complaints.†The College may have a legal and/or ethical obligation to respond to Complaints. Responses may include but are not limited to follow up, informal resolutions, formal investigation, procedures as outlined in the Employee Handbook and/or the respective Collective Bargaining Agreement, the student adjudication process, and/or supplying supportive measures. The type of College response to any Complaint is determined by law, institutional policy, and College Administration.

Report a Complaint


Report Content and Anonymity


Because of the inherent difficulty in investigating and resolving allegations that are vague or from unidentified persons, the College encourages individuals to provide full information and identify themselves when making reports of improper conduct. However, should the College receive a generalized or anonymous report, such report will be reviewed and investigated to the extent feasible.

  • Report anonymous complaints , the College’s anonymous reporting hotline; or
  • Report an anonymous complaint via email:; or
  • Report an anonymous complaint via phone:Ìý
    • English speaking: 844-990-0002
    • Spanish speaking: 800-216-1288

Quick Links for Assistance

Complaint Resolution Processes

Resolution processes are unique to the type of complaint, the person (i.e. employee, student, visitor) against whom the complaint is directed, and the level of due process required to resolve a complaint. Accordingly, complaints are directed to the jurisdiction of the appropriate process recognized by the College.


Records of complaints will be retained by the appropriate custodian and in a manner as may be required by the College’s Records Retention Policy and/or applicable law.


The College shall maintain the confidentiality of the information it receives, except where disclosure is required by law, policy or is necessary to facilitate legitimate College processes, including the investigation and resolution of allegations.

The identity of participants in an investigation shall be maintained in confidence subject to the same limitations above.

Individuals who have reported complaints or potential violations or who have initiated or participated in the complaint procedures available are advised their identity may be known for reasons beyond the control of College officials or investigators.


The College strictly prohibits retaliation or reprisal of any kind against an individual who has reported, attempted to report or provided information regarding potential violations of College Policy or who has initiated or participated in the complaint procedures available or has otherwise been involved in the process of responding to, investigating or addressing allegations reported to the College.

Any person who attempts either directly, indirectly or through someone acting on another’s behalf to intimidate, threaten, retaliate, interfere with, restrain, coerce, discriminate against, violate a College Limited Contact Directive or harass any person for reporting, attempting to report, or pursuing a complaint or is a witness cooperating in a College investigation will be addressed by the College.

Allegations of retaliation shall constitute separate grounds upon which a complaint may be raised.

Reporting False Claims

Any individual who knowingly makes a false report or claim to the College shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.

College Response

In its sole discretion, the College may initiate or take through a resolution process any complaint initially brought by another. If at any time the College believes an investigation is justified, an investigation may proceed. The College may take any appropriate measures designed to protect the health and/or safety of the College community.


The College may determine a complaint or allegation of noncompliance requires an investigation. No one other than the College appointed investigator will be allowed to conduct an investigation on behalf of the College. The College may impose any appropriate measures on an interim basis where it concludes that such action is needed to protect the health, safety or welfare of members of the College community, to facilitate an effective investigation or to avoid disruption to the work/educational environment. Such measures may include student suspension or employee administrative leave pending the outcome of an investigation.

Violation of Law and College Policies

Noncompliance with College’s policies includes any behaviors violating applicable laws. Individuals engaging in illegal activities may subject themselves to both College discipline and individual criminal penalties under the law.

Disciplinary proceedings may be instituted against an individual whose conduct potentially violates both the criminal law and the College’s policies (that is, if both possible violations result from the same factual situation) without regard to the pendency of civil or criminal litigation.

College proceedings may be carried out prior to, simultaneously with, or following a civil or criminal proceeding at the discretion of the College. Determinations made or disciplinary actions imposed under College Policy shall not be subject to change solely because criminal charges arising out of the same facts giving rise to violation of the College’s policies were dismissed, reduced or resolved in favor of or against the criminal law defendant.

When a student or employee is charged by federal, state or local authorities with a violation of law, the College will not request or agree to special consideration for that individual because of his or her status as a student or employee with the College. If the alleged offense is also being addressed under College policy, the College may advise legal authorities of the existence of the College’s policies and how such matters are typically handled within the College processes.

Disciplinary Action

Employees or students found to have conducted themselves in a manner prohibited by College policies may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment and/or dismissal as a student.

Report a Complaint to the State Board or Commission

In accordance with federal law (see 34 C.F.R., Section 600.9), ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ students may file complaints about the College with the state board or commission that governs postsecondary educational activity. The appropriate state boards/commissions, as well as contact information and links to pertinent websites, are provided below.

  • Iowa
    Iowa Department of Education – Bureau of Iowa College Aid
  • Florida
    Florida Commission on Independent Education
    325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414
    Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
    or by email to
  • California
    California Bureau Of Private Postsecondary Education
    1747 North Market Blvd., Suite 225
    P.O. Box 980818
    Sacramento, CA 95798-0818