Students learning a chiropractic adjustment with help of faculty members.

Donor Recognition Societies

Philanthropic support advances the Palmer mission

Philanthropic support of ¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ is critical in advancing the College’s mission to promote learning, deliver health care, engage our communities, and advance knowledge through research.

Our donors are part of a growing, distinguished community – one that’s actively celebrated and recognized. Alumni and friends play an important role in the College’s success – and through their philanthropy, they inspire others.

Palmer College recognizes donors in four distinct recognition societies that honor each of the four areas: loyalty, leadership, lifetime and legacy.

Whether you make an annual gift or transformative gift, or include Palmer College in your estate, there’s a place for you in our donor community.

Societies include:

  • Loyalty: Atlas Society
  • Leadership: Founder’s Circle
  • Lifetime: Sterling Lifetime Giving Society
  • Legacy: Fountainhead Legacy Society

Learn more about Palmer's donor recognition societies

Your contributions to Palmer College and the chiropractic profession is appreciated. Contact our office with questions, or donate online.