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Luke Wu’s Second Career Brings New Passion and Family Adventure

Seeking a more meaningful career, Luke chooses the Fountainhead of Chiropractic

Family posing in front of purple Palmer College backdrop holding signs.Eighth-trimester student Luke Wu has traveled across oceans to earn his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from the Fountainhead of chiropractic. Inspired by mentors from his home in Taiwan, he knew he didn’t want to study just anywhere – he wanted to go where chiropractic began.

“My pastor in Taiwan is a chiropractor, and I watched him help patients get back their health while learning about God. Watching my pastor made me think of how great of a position it must be to tell people good news,” Luke said. “By the time I was 46 or 47 years old, I had been working as a corporate consultant for 24 years and I thought it was a good time for me to try something new.”

After Luke realized that he wanted a more purposeful career, he started researching where to study.

“When I talked to people, they all recommended Palmer, because it’s where chiropractic started. Also, I was always told that there are a lot of philosophy classes required at Palmer. Due to my age, I seek to know why more than know how, so the philosophy of chiropractic is very important to me,” Luke said.

Apart from the desire to understand chiropractic philosophy, Luke saw firsthand how successful a degree from Palmer is.

“One of my close friends is a Palmer alumnus, and he just opened his own clinic in Taiwan this year. He has given me a lot of good advice and is a role model to me,” Luke said. “His success shows that Palmer is a really good school and prepared him well.”

With his family by his side, Luke moved to the United States to study at Palmer.

“Everything is perfect for me here. I have found a good church who has helped my family a lot,” Luke said. “When I was in Taiwan, I was constantly dealing with clients, so I did not have a lot of time with my family. However, since the big adventure of moving here, we now have a lot of time with each other. It’s very good for us.”

While planning for the future, Luke talked to his eldest daughter about her future studies.

“I talked to my daughter about what she would like to do when she grows up and brought up the idea of chiropractic without pressuring or deciding for her. I told her that I see good opportunities in the field and if she has nothing specific that she really wants to do, then she should think about it. She started to investigate chiropractic while also considering her interests, which lead her to the idea of animal chiropractic,” Luke said.

Since seeing her father study at Palmer, she is now interested in attending here as well.

Wu family in snow outfits holding dog. “She wants to become an animal chiropractor because she loves cats and dogs, and she doesn’t believe that there are currently any similar positions in Taiwan. She received a lot of inspiration from the Palmer 360 event and is now taking more biology and chemistry related courses in high school,” Luke said.

On top of being a full-time student, husband and father, Luke is also a campus guide.

“One reason I came to Palmer was to learn about the founders of chiropractic, and I have done so through being a campus guide,” Luke said. “I have enjoyed the opportunity of sharing my experience here at Palmer with prospective students. I know many are worried about the intensity and high standards of chiropractic school, but I get to be there to reassure them that Palmer offers many great tutoring programs and that the faculty want their students to succeed. I am not a native English speaker and I have not been a student for over 24 years, so if I can do this, then so can you.”

Although being a campus guide has brought Luke joy, his favorite role at Palmer has been as an intern in the Palmer Clinics.

“I think interning in the clinic has been my favorite part,” Luke said. “It’s really good for us to have hands-on experience and practice communicating with real patients.”

With just several short months left until graduation, Luke believes Palmer has prepared him well for a successful future.

“The more and more patients I see, the more and more confident I feel,” Luke said.

After graduation, Luke plans to stay in the Quad Cities.

“I plan to work as an OPT one more year in the Quad Cities. After that, if an opportunity arises, then I would like to move somewhere else within the United States to work,” Luke said. “However, I am definitely excited to visit for Homecoming.”

Luke’s biggest piece of advice to students is to focus on hands-on learning experiences.

“My suggestion is to get hands-on experience early because it will help you comprehend the material better and enhance your knowledge,” Luke said. “Again, if I can do this, then so can you!”