Project Description
Funding Source: HRSA
Grant Number: R18HP15126
Award Amount: $1,270,911
Funding Period: 09/01/2009 – 08/31/2013
Principal Investigator: Christine Goertz, Ph.D., D.C.
Collaborative Institutions: VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, VA Connecticut Healthcare System, Minneapolis VA Healthcare System, Iowa City VA Healthcare System, The University of Iowa, Genesis Family Medical Center
Co-Investigators: Andrew Andresen, M.D., Maria Hondras, D.C., M.P.H., Ph.D., Mark Jones, Pharm.D., Lisa Killinger, D.C., Cynthia Long, Ph.D., Kevin Lyons, Ph.D., Stacie Salsbury, Ph.D., R.N., Robert Vining, D.C., Robert Wallace, M.D., M.S., Fredric Wolinsky, Ph.D.
The goal of this project was to develop and evaluate an interprofessional model of collaborative care between medical doctors and doctors of chiropractic for the care of older adults with low back pain.
Wells B, Salsbury S, Lawrence D, Derby D, Nightingale L, Goertz C. Older adults perceptions of doctor-patient relationships in a trial of collaborative care for low back pain: A qualitative study. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference, March 8-10, 2018, Dallas, TX.Ìý
Salsbury S, Vining R, Goertz C. Older adults’ choice of passive self-care for management of back pain and its relation to healthcare provider recommendations to exercise. Iowa Governor’s Conference on Public Health, April 11-12, 2017, Des Moines, IA.Ìý
Goertz C, Salsbury S, Vining R, Hondras M, Jones M, Andresen A, Killinger L, Wolinsky F, Wallace R. Collaborative care for older adults with Back pain (COCOA): Results of a pilot randomized controlled trial. International Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health,Ìý May 17-20, 2016, Las Vegas, NV.Ìý
Salsbury S, Alexander W, Boysen J, Hartman J, Hubbard J, Twist E, Vining R, Goertz C. Multimorbidity, musculoskeletal complaints, and pain characteristics of older adults with low back pain: A secondary analysis from a controlled trial. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference, March 17-19, 2016, Orlando, FL.Ìý
Salsbury S, Hubbard J, Hartman J, Twist E, Alexander W, Boysen J, Vining R, Goertz C. Self-care, exercise and healthcare seeking strategies used by older adults with low back pain: A secondary analysis from a randomized controlled trial. International Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health, May 17-20, 2016, Las Vegas, NV.ÌýÌý
Salsbury S, Lyons K, Long C, Hondras M, Vining R, Killinger L, Goertz C. Doctors of chiropractic self-reported practice patterns and attitudes toward interdisciplinary co-management of older adults with low back pain. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference, March 14-16, 2013, Washington, D.C.Ìý
Goertz C, Salsbury S, Vining R, Long C, Andresen A, Jones M, Lyons K, Hondras M, Killinger L, Wolinsky F, Wallace R. Co-management of older adults with back pain by doctors of chiropractic and family medicine physicians: Study design and participant recruitment. World Federation of Chiropractic Congress, April 10-13, 2013, Durban South Africa.Ìý
Goertz C, Salsbury S, Vining R, Andresen A, Hondras M, Jones M, Killinger L, Long C, Lyons K, Wallace R. Development of an interprofessional model of collaborative care by doctors of chiropractic and medical doctors for older adults with low back pain. International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health, May 15-18, 2012, Portland, OR.Ìý
Lyons K, Salsbury SA, Hondras MA, Jones M, Andresen A, Goertz CM. Older adults’ attitudes on collaborative care of low back pain by doctors of chiropractic and medical doctors: A focus group study. International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health, May 15-18, 2012, Portland, OR.Ìý
Vining R, Pohlman K, Salsbury S, Potocki E, Seidman M, Morgenthal P, Hondras M. Eligibility assessment for clinical trials involving chronic pain at a chiropractic research center: A consensus case review process. International Research Congress on Integrative Medicine & Health, May 15-18, 2012, Portland, OR.Ìý
Goertz C, Salsbury S, Vining R, Long C, Andresen A, Hondras M, Jones M, Killinger L, Lyons K. An interprofessional education model for co-management of back pain in older adults by doctors of chiropractic and medical doctors. Association of Chiropractic Colleges Research Agenda Conference, March 15-17, 2012, Las Vegas, NV.Ìý
Wells BM, Salsbury SA, Nightingale LM, Derby DC, Lawrence DJ, Goertz CM. J Patient Exp 2020;7(4):507-515.Ìý
Salsbury SA, Vining RD, Hondras A, Wallace RB, Lyons KJ, Killinger LZ, Goertz CM. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2019;42(4):295-305.Ìý
Salsbury SA, Gertz CM, Vining RD, Hondras M, Andresen AA, Long CR, Lyons KJ, Killinger LZ, Wallace RB. Gerontologist 2018;58(2):376-387.Ìý
Goertz CM, Salsbury SA, Long CR, Vining RD, Andresen AA, Hondras MA, Lyons KJ, Killinger LZ, Wolinsky FD, Wallace RB. BMC Geriatr 2017;17(235).Ìý
Seidman MB, Vining RD, Salsbury SA. J Can Chiropr Assoc 2015;59(3):216-225. PMID: 26500355Ìý
Vining RD, Salsbury SA, Pohlman KA. . Trials. 2014; 15:406 PMID: 25344427Ìý
Goertz CM, Salsbury SA, Vining RD, Long CR, Andresen AA, Jones ME, Lyons KJ, Hondras MA, Killinger LZ, Wolinsky FD, Wallace RB. Trials 2013; 14:18.ÌýÌý
Lyons KJ, Salsbury SA, Hondras MA, Jones ME, Andresen AA, Goertz CM. BMC Complement Altern Med 2013; 13:225. PMID: 24040970.Ìý
Goertz C, Lyons S, Andresen A, Hondras M, Jones M, Killinger L, Long C, Lyons K, Mulhausen P, Vining R. J Allied Health 2010 Fall;39 Suppl 1:e135-6.Ìý