Project Description
The Palmer Center for Chiropractic Research is proud of its collaborative work with various researchers and institutions. Our research collaboration has provided opportunities to learn from other scientists, institutions, and disciplines, which has enhanced the center’s ability to conduct groundbreaking chiropractic research.
Vining R, Rudin RS, Herman PM. Developing a web-based diagnosis and clinical management support tool for low back pain: a descriptive report. Chiropractic Educator’s Research Forum Technology in Education Conference, April 22, 2024, Virtual.
Vining R, Rudin R, Herman P. Developing a web-based diagnostic and clinical management support tool for low back pain. International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, April 9-13, 2024.
Goertz C, Long C, English C, Meeker W, Marchiori D.  Patient-Reported Medical Physician Treatment Recommendations Among a Nationally Representative Sample of US Adults with Low Back Pain.  WFC-ECU Congress, March 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany.   Ìý
Meeker W, Marchiori D, Goertz C, Long C, English C.  Patients’ Experiences with Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, and Medical Doctors from the 2018 Palmer/Gallup Survey of 5,377 US Adults.  WFC-ECU Congress, March 20-23, 2019, Berlin, Germany. Ìý
Vining R. Educator’s Learning Alignment Instrument (ELAI): a tool to assess aligned learning concepts within college courses. WFC Biennial Congress September 23-25, 2021, virtual. Ìý
Gliedt JA, Anderson BR, Reynolds M, Moonaz S, Long CR, Russel R, Schneider MJ. . J Subst Use. 2023, 1-5.
Rhon DI, Davis AF, Ali J, Brand C, Burns A, Lucio W, Vining R, Young-MCaughan S. . BMJ Evid-Based Med. 2023 Nov 21:bmjebm-2023-112547
Gliedt JA, Reynolds M, Moonaz S, Long CR, Russell R, Schneider MJ. Chiropr Man Therap. 2023 Jul 3;31(1):18. 
Anderson BR, Yakusheva O, Liu H, Bynum JPW, Davis MA. . J Gen Intern. 2022 Mar;37(4):992-994. Doi:10.1007/s1160-021-06889-0.Ìý
Eilayyan O, Thomas A, Halle MC, Tibbles AC, Jacobs C, Ahmed S, Schneider MJ, Al Zoubi F, Lee J, Myrtos D, Long CR, Bussieres A. . PLoS One 2022;17(1): e0262825.ÌýÌý
Trager RJ, Anderson BR, Casselberry RM, Perez JA, Dusek JA. BMC Musculoskelet. Disord 2022(23) 554.Ìý
Davis MA, Yakusheva O, Liu H, Anderson B, Bynum JP.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther, 2021 44(5), 353-362.   â¶Ä¯Ìý
Goertz CM, Long CR, English C, Meeker WC, Marchiori DM. . J Altern Complement Med. 2021;27(S1):S99-S105. doi:10.1089/acm.2020.0392 â¶Ä¯â€¯Ìý
Vining RD, Millard T. . J Chiropr Educ 2021;35(1):28-37Ìý
Hawk C, Whalen W, Farabaugh RJ, Daniels CJ, Minkalis AL, Taylor DN, Anderson D, Anderson K, Crivelli LS, Cark M, Barlow E, Paris D, Sarnat R, Weeks J.  J Altern Complement Med 2020;26(10):884-901.Ìý
Eilayyan O, Thomas A, Halle MC, Ahmed S, Tibbles AC, Jacobs C, Mior S, Davis C, Evans R, Schneider MJ, Owens H, Zoubi FA, Barnsley J, Long CR, Bussieres A. °ä³ó¾±°ù´Ç±è°ù M²¹²Ô T³ó±ð°ù²¹±è 2019;2744Ìý
Whalen W, Farabaugh RJ, Hawk C, Minkalis AL, Lauretti W, Crivelli LS, Wyatt L, Sheppard M, Walters SA. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2019;42(9):635-650Ìý
Eilayyan O, Thomas A, Halle MC, Ahmed S, Tibbles AC, Jacobs C, Mior S, Davis C, Evans R, Schneider MJ, Alzoubi F, Barnsley J, Long CR, Bussieres A.  BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2018;19(1):328 Ìý
Hawk C, Minkalis A, Webb C, Hogan O, Vallone S. . J Evid Based Integr Med 2018; 23:1-12.Ìý
Weeks WB, Goertz CM, Long CR, Meeker WC, Marchiori DM. . J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2018;41(3):175-180. doi:10.1016/j.jmpt.2017.12.003 Ìý
Hawk C, Minkalis AL, Khorsan R, Daniels C, Homack D, Gliedt JA, Hartman J, Bhalerao S.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2017;40(5):293-319. Ìý
Allen T, Rieck T, Salsbury S.  J. Patient Exp. 2016; 3(1):42-49. doi: 10.35680/2372-0247.1115. Ìý
Maiers M, Hondras MA, Salsbury SA, Bronfort G, Evans R.  Man Ther  2016; 26:183-191. â¶Ä¯â€¯Ìý
Weeks WB, Goertz CM, Meeker WC, Marchiori DM.  J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2015; 38(8): 533-544.ÌýÌý
Bronfort G, Hondras MA, Schulz CA, Evans RL, Long CR, Grimm R.  Ann Intern Med 2014 Sep 16;161(6): 381-91. DOI: 10.7326/M14-0006. Ìý
Schulz CA, Hondras MA, Evans RL, Gudavalli MR, Long CR, Owens EF, Wilder DG, Bronfort G. Chiropr Man Therap. 2011;19:8. Doi:10.1186/2045-709x-19-8Ìý
Gliedt JA, Reynolds M, Moonaz S, Long CR, Russell R, Schneider MJ. . Chiropr Man Therap. 2023 Jul 3;31(1):18.Ìý