Principal Investigator: Robert Vining, D.C., D.H.Sc.
Description: Quality health care encompasses a wide variety of factors such as patient experience, safety, effectiveness, and efficiency. Providing and receiving quality care is important for patients, practitioners, and health organizations. Quality indicators measure elements of care that offer key information about the care patients receive and outcomes that can be expected. This line of research seeks to develop, validate, and study quality indicators for chiropractic care. The overall goal is to enhance the capacity of providers and health organizations to regularly assess and inform the delivery of high-value chiropractic care. 
Validating Quality Indicators for Chiropractic: A Consensus Study
Performance Period: 8/1/2023-06/01/2025
Principal Investigator: Robert Vining, D.C., D.H.Sc.
Co-Investigators: Elissa Twist, D.C., M.S; Amy Minkalis, D.C., M.S.
Post-doctoral Research Scholar: Maranda Kleppe, D.C.
Description: The study will use a modified Delphi consensus process to review, rate, and comment on 70 preliminary quality indicators for chiropractic care. A best practice in quality indicator development involves engaging distinct stakeholder groups, each with relevant experience and knowledge. We plan to recruit chiropractic practitioners in integrative settings, administrators overseeing chiropractic care, and researchers conducting clinical research involving chiropractic care or using scientific methods to develop best practice recommendations or clinical guidelines.
Quality Indicators of Chiropractic Care: A Scoping Review
Principal Investigator: Robert Vining, D.C., D.H.Sc.
Co-Investigators: Brian Anderson, D.C., M.P.H., M.S., Ph.D; Jennifer Smith, M.L.I.S., Zachary Almquist, M.A.
Research Honors Student: Danveshka Wong
Description: A scoping review to identify and transform clinical guidelines, best practice publications, and other professional standards into a preliminary set of quality indicators for chiropractic care and identify gaps to inform future research directions.
Vining R, Smith J, Anderson B, Almquist Z, Wong D. Developing preliminary quality indicators for chiropractic care: A scoping review. International Congress on Integrative Medicine and Health, April 9-13, 2024.
Vining R, Anderson B, Smith J, Almquist Z, Wong D. A scoping review developing an initial set of quality indicators for chiropractic care. WFC Biennial Congress, October 11-14, 2023, Queensland, Australia.
Vining R, Smith J, Anderson B, Almquist Z, Wong D. .v BMC Health Serv Res. 2024 Jan 12;24(1):65.