Pay your tuition, easily and securely
¿Û¿Û´«Ã½ has partnered with Flywire to make it easier, safer and a more streamlined process for international students and their families to make tuition payments. Flywire’s mission is to save you money that may otherwise be lost to bank fees and unfavorable foreign exchange rates.
With Flywire, payments can be received securely from any country or bank and, in most cases, in your home currency. The excellent foreign exchange rates may save a significant amount of money compared to traditional banks.
By making your payment with Flywire, you can:
- Track your payments from start to finish;
- Save on bank fees and exchange rates;
- Contact their multilingual customer support team with any questions, day or night.
To learn more about making an international tuition payment through Flywire, visit
You’ll need to input your tuition payment amount when you begin the Flywire payment. Please refer to billing statements you received via your email address, or log in to the Palmer Portal, Self-Service, on the financials tab to access the most recent statement.
To get started on making a payment through Flywire, begin by selecting your enrolled Palmer campus below.